Module 08 / Slide 07:
Quiz Preparation

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Formal Assessment Activity Preparation

Slide 7 of 8

quiz and pencil

There are three formal, timed, and graded quizzes in this course. Each quiz is worth 40 points; hence, the combined value of the three quizzes is equal to 120 points (27% of your final grade).

Quiz 1, presented at the conclusion of Module 3, includes 20 questions taken from the core content of Modules 1, 2, and 3.

Quiz 2, presented at the conclusion of Module 6, includes 20 questions taken from the core content of Modules 4, 5, and 6.

Quiz 3, presented at the conclusion of Module 9, includes 20 questions taken from the core content of Modules 7, 8, and 9.

You have 40 minutes to complete each quiz. On the day of the quiz, it will be available from 2:00 PM until 11:00 PM. To see the three quiz dates, return to the course menu column, click Course Information / Course Calendar.

No quiz is presented with this module. However, if you did not complete Knowledge Check 2, which appears on the previous slide, then you are advised to do so now, while you are engaged in the learning activities of this module. Completing Knowledge Check 2 will help you prepare for the formal, graded quiz.

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